Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tribute to our Granddaughter

    Our sweet beautiful  granddaughter was tragically taken from us last night. She had gone out with her 3 friends, two boys and a girl. Her parents expected her home at 11: 30 p.m. but she didn't return. She was always on time. They knew something was terribly wrong. So a search party was sent out.  Police and Helicopters searched the area.
     Her Dad was a Volunteer fireman and his friend were searching too. About 5:a.m. they found the car they were in down an enbankment and resting in a creek at the bottom. No one survived the horrific crash. Da Nae Gough was only 14 years old.
   She was lovely young girl, full of life and vitality. She loved Volleyball and her team had won all the tournaments this year. She had lots of friends.  She loved her cousins who lived close by. She always had a big smile for everyone.  She was strong in the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. She excelled in all she did. Everyone loved her especially her Father. She was his baby and his favorite buddy. They did lots together.
  She will be missed dearly by all who knew her.


  1. What a tragic loss for your family. She was such a pretty girl. You are all in our prayers.

  2. We feel your loss from afar and know not what to do other than tell you that we love you all and pray for you and your family. We know the hurt that comes from losing a child. They should outlive us, but sometime they are called home early for a special purpose, only God knows. Love, Jay and Dana Thelin
