Sunday, July 10, 2011

Haboob Swallows Phoenix

July 5 about 6:30-8:30 p.m. we had a Haboob move in to Phoenix area. It was one of the biggest storms of the century, we have had in this area. Haboob is a powerful dust storm with 80 mph winds. It happens when two storms collide and create the wind and wall of dust from the desert. It started at Tucson and gathered desert dust as it crossed the desert. It was a 100 miles wide and 1 mile high. A thick black wall of dust covering the whole Phoenix Valley. It was very scary to watch it come in. Those who got caught driving in it had zero visbility. Their cars were sand blasted. Everything was covered with a layer of desert dust. My garden looked dead cause it was gray from the dust.
Our cars were in the garage but we managed to get dust through the door of our home. We big scare now is getting Valley Fever from the dust spores you breath.

1 comment:

  1. That was quite a spectacular event you will never see again in your lifetime!
    Those were some pictures!
