Monday, March 28, 2011

Blessings from Heaven

New Air Conditioner
In October we had a big hailstorm . The hail stones were the size of golf balls, with a 70 mile wind smashing them against our home. Our whole area was declared a disaster area. So our home owners insurance paid for a new roof, our old was due to be replaced soon. Our air conditioner on our roof was severely damaged too, all the vents were smashed flat. This had one year warrenty left on it and we needed a new one soon too.
      After many negotations with our Insurance Company, they only wanted to replace the part that was damaged, for 2500 dollars. We found air conditioning company who said they would give us a brand new air conditioner for 2500 dollars, it was a new one they had put on someones roof this week and it was the wrong brand so they gave it to us. Then the roof manufacturing company sent us the wrong tiles for the roof, so we received more expensive tiles. So have a better roof. They also replaced four whirleys on our roof that were damaged.
Our paint on our home was stripped off. So our Insurance Company paid to get our home painted. It is finally finished. It looks great.
Our backyard swing was damaged and they would pay to replace it. Ron fixed it by replacing the fabric with plywood. It works great now and we are enjoying it again.

     Also several pots which had our flowers in, were replaced. We had no windows broken, some of our neigbors did have broken windows. We had new double pane windows put in in August this year.
The paint was destroyed or stripped off our home on two sides. So the Insurance will cover it. This month we will get our home painted.
New Roof
     When you pay your tithing the WINDOWS of HEAVEN truly open and pour out lots of blessings.


  1. Count Your Many Blessings. Name them One by One. And it will surprise you what the Lord has Done! We are really happy for you. What a great blog. We wish you well and thanks for telling us such a faith promoting true Arizona story. You are truly blessed. We love you.

    Jay and Dana in China.

  2. Wow, we are really happy for you and Ron. Glad that you are taken care of by the Lord's blessings!
