Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Sister's 60 th Birthday Nov. 6, 2010

It was a BIG SURPRISE planned by her two daughters. It was held at the Church Cultural hall in Mill Creek, Washington. Thirty five of her friends came from her town.Thirty five relatives came also. We arrived early and helped the girls in the kitchen with the food. Ron made the punch, and I arranged the fruit trays and ham trays. Ron and Betty, Darcie, Quinn and Jewel arrived later. Kali and Michelle decorated the Hall in her favorite hot pink colors with lots of colorful Pink Balloons. Fresh pink Roses on the tables. A beautiful pink boa around her neck.

     When she arrived we all sang Happy Birthday to her.She was really surprised to see her son David who was sick with the flu in Layton, Utah.and her Grandson Parker. And also her Sister from Arizona. Julie was happy to be there.She scooted around the hall with her new scooter. Notice her broken foot in her hot pink cast for the past two months. Due to her bone cancer it is not healing well. She may have to have Surgery later on it. There was lots of delicious food for everyone.

     This is the gift table with the scrapbook of her friends.
Then a short program was enjoyed by all. Her friend Beverly did a Belly dance for her with candles. Two of her Singing students sang solos. Her daughter Kali played two piano solos. Cindy her friend made up a poem especially for her.  "Roses are Red Violets are Blue, Julie, you know how much we all Love you. "  She had thought and thought and finally came up with this original poem.
    Then her only Sister told a few Senior Jokes on her turning 60 to lighten the Birthday Party. Like the new Campbell's Soup for Seniors, It is called Large Letter Alphabet Soup. Another one was Julie always wanted a BMW. But now she doesn't care about the W. " One time Frank asked Julie ,what do Old Men wear ?Boxers or Briefs."She thought about it for awhile and said "Its DEPENDS. Now she can sing along with elevator music, eat dinner at 4 p.m. if she wants, and nobody will care.
      The Birthday cake was specially made for her .It had her name on it. It was circled by white and black piano keys. On top it had a large black music note. Notice the fresh pink roses.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful job of using pictures to illustrate your trip and your experiences.
