Sunday, July 18, 2010

Frying Eggs on the Sidewalk

It so HOT in Arizona you can fry your breakfast on the sidewalk.

The birds use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

The potatoes cook under ground and all you have to do, is pull one out ,add butter,salt and pepper to have lunch.

The Cows are giving evaporated milk.

The Trees are whistling for the dogs.

You no longer associate Bridges [or rivers} with Water.
It hasn't rained since last October.

You eat hot Chilies to cool your mouth off.

You can make instant Herbal Sun Tea.

You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good Branding Iron.
Ice bags are put over the Baby car seats to prevent Baby from getting burned from the seat buckles.

We keep a cooler with ice in our trunk to bring Ice Cream home from the Store.

We don't let our children run outside in their bare feet, its takes only 35 seconds to get third degree burns on the bottom of a child's feet.

Swimming pools and Sun Splash Events are the busiest now.

You have nearly beat the Sun up so you can exercise out doors.

You would give anything to be able to splash COLD water on your face.

You have HOT water in both water taps now.

We haven't seen rain since Last October. The sad thing about that is "I wish it would rain-- not so much for me, cuz I've seen it-- but for my grandchild.

In July, It takes only two fingers to drive the car.

You notice that you can get a serious sunburn through the car window.

You notice the best Parking place is determined by the Shade, instead of the distance.

It's noon in July and the kids are on Summer Vacation, and not one person is out on the streets.

You can actually burn your hand trying to open the car door.

The Four Seasons are: Tolerable, HOT, Really HOT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!

No one, would ever dream of putting Vinyl Seats in your Car, or buying a Car with out Air Conditioning.

Your biggest Bicycle Wreck Fear is, What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and COOK to death.

You realize that the asphalt has a liquid state.

Our A.C unit stays at 80 degrees day and night. Cost is hordenus.

Frying eggs on the sidewalk makes for great breakfast.
Using the Sun Oven makes lots of sense here too.


1 comment:

  1. What different state you live in, but the lucky thing is you get used to all the heat. Just like you complain about no rain. We are just the opposite and complain about no sun!
    I wonder if we would complain if we had both!
