Thursday, July 8, 2010

Family Reunion in Canada

Austin Wake Boarding at Tie Lake B.C.
Ready to Play Glow Stick Dodge Ball, in the Dark at Tie Lake
More Glow Stick Dodge Ball
Glow Stick Dodge Ball
Glow Stick Dodge Ball
Brooks Family
Prince Of Wales Hotel,Waterton Nat.Park
Sarinah and Brother Craig
Having Fun Tubing on Tie Lake, B.C.Canada

Devin, celebrating Canada's Birthday
Austin Canada's Birthday
Dawson Canada's Birthday
Canada's Birthday July 1, 2010
Family Reunion
Gough Cousins
Gough Reunion 2010
Up the lake without a paddle. Make your own,using Tennis Rackets covered with plastic bags It worked great.
Dawson Bare foot Skiing
Dawson Wake Boarding
Dawson and Mackenzie Wake Boarding
Cameron Falls,Waterton National Park,Alberta,Canada
Brooks Family, Waterton Lake
Beautiful British Columbia
Beautiful British Columbia
Rob Bare Foot Skiing
Rob and Devin driving the boat

Beautiful scenery in Alberta and British Columbia. The Brooks Family and their adventures in Canada this summer.The grand kids did a lot of water sports,at Tie Lake in British Columbia.They paddled a small dingy boat, using tennis rackets for paddles covered with a plastic bag, because they didn't have any paddles. They water skied, wake boarded, knee boarded, drove the boat, skied bare foot. Watched Uncle Rob do his bare foot skiing. Drove the Quad up mountain trails. When night came they played Glow Stick Dodge Ball in the dark with glow sticks, hanging around their necks and wrists,throwing a lighted ball.They also lit up perimeter's of the field so no one would get hurt.They had a fun time with all their cousins.


  1. Wow, it looks like they had sooo much fun with their cousins. I'm glad they had the chance to take that trip.
    Family is so important.

  2. What fun memories you made, great to see your family!

  3. Mom! Stealer pf photos from my blog - you crack me up! I love you!
