Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Peacocks

We are having a peacock explosion here in north Phoenix. Someone had some for their pets and released them. They have multiplied and have become a big nuisance. It is mating season and they squawk loudly all night in the neighborhood.Keeping you awake.They leave their do,do, all over the neighborhood on the side walks your patio, and the lawns.What a big mess they create for you to cleanup.But they are very beautiful big birds to look at and enjoy.While I was driving down the road in Gilbert and turned the corner there were two big peacocks crossing the road in front of me.It was my first experience with them.Their are two species of peacocks The India blue which comes from India and the green peafowl from Burma,Thailand,and China.They are known for their iridescent tails. They spread their feathers out in a distinctive train that is more then 60% of their total body length,with colorful markings of blue, gold,red and other hues.The large train is used for mating and courtship ritual.The females choose their mate according to the size, color,and quality of their trains.Their life expectancy is 20 years. Peacock refers to both male and females.The females are called peahens, but together they are called peafowl.The male usually gather a harem of females and each lays 3-5 eggs.They roost in the trees in our yards.They eat insects and small rodents.In Soloman's time and the Roman's time they raised Peacocks for eating, like we do turkeys.

1 comment:

  1. You and Sarinah; she encounters a turtle in the road and you encounter peacocks!
    They are very beautiful birds. Thanks for the pictures!
