Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wedding Of The Year 2008

It was all worth it to travel the long distance we did. A beautiful Alberta Temple Ceremony. They looked radiant, It was very cold and windy day -10 below. After all the photos were taken. Dave's parents flew in from Saudi Arabia ,they are in the green outfits.We enjoyed the family dinner and program. Deanne performed the Rapper number, a song about Dave and Deah. She wore long black dread locks and blue jeans.Then The Operaic Cat number, where Dave's two Aunts sang "Meow", that was all the words, for ten minutes in different operaic tones.It was hilarious.It was depicting a cat fight between the bride and groom.Then Dave's ,Uncle John, a Master Violist for the Edmonton Synphony played two wonderful numbers on his Volin. After Dave and Deah cut the gorgeous four tier Wedding cake covered with white fondant, with hand blown sugar red lace flowers,which matched the table decor.After we had a fun time dancing. The two words mostly heard at all Weddings are "Chicken Dance" We all enjoyed dancing,till late in the evening. The Bride and Groom will be Honeymooning at Cancun, Mexico for a week.Then they will have another reception in Edmonton,Alberta when they return.

1 comment:

  1. The cake is lovely and it looks like a great wedding. Now how are they related to you?
