Friday, December 26, 2008

We are Going to the North Pole

We travelled from Arizona headed North to Magrath, Alberta, Canada. The roads were clear of snow, we were very blessed to leave before the snow storms arrived.After we drove through Los Vegus ,Nevada,USA. They received 6 inches of snow. The storm then headed to Salt Lake City. We visited our Ward Missionaries the Rays at Cove Ft. Utah, we enjoyed a lovely dinner with them.Spent the night in a hotel near Temple Square, we did't see the Temple Lights. We arrived ten minutes too late, they turned the lights off at 9 pm. Drove through Idaho,no snow.In Montana we saw a big brown horse, he was wearing a nice green coat to keep him warm. Then we arrived in Canada at 9pm. AT the Canadian Border there was snowy roads. Then drove into Magrath. We arrived at 9 pm. We were very grateful for your prayers for our long trip.When we arrived it was very cold -32, with wind chill -40.I guess this the NORTH POLE. We dressed like Eskimos to keep the chill out.

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