Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentines 2009

I was sick and Ron got me this soft pink Teddy, a box of Chocolates, he knows how I love Chocolate. Also a beautiful plant of red tulips.Perfect for Valentines Day.He is wonderful and very thoughtful. He wanted me to feel better. I did feel much better. I gave him a Valentines card. I love him he is a jewul.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Ward Talent Night

There was sword fighting. The Daniels family wanted to be like the Van Trapp Family.They had been practicing a long time to be great performers. They performed by blowing into drinking straws.The achievement day girls told jokes about how many people it takes to change a light bulb.Well I found out it takes 4 Elders , 3 that didn't show up and one to do it. Well if you ask the High Priests it takes 4 too. One in the wheelchair, one to push the wheelchair ,one to carry the oxygen tank and one to actually change the light bulb.If you ask the women in Relief Society it takes 4, one to bring the tablecloth, one to bring the centerpiece, one to hand the light bulb, to the one who is changing it. Well if you ask a Deacon to do it ,it only takes one,because he only into himself.What pet did Nephi have in the wilderness?He was told to take his stuff and flea into the wilderness.HA.HA.Some primary girls did a skit about their lunch at school. One girl says"not Peanut Butter and jelly sandwiches again" this happened three times finally one of her friends said," Why don't you tell your Mother you don't like P&J sandwiches?She replied, "Oh, my Mother doesn't make my lunch, I do."We also had pirates perform too. Then they had Mystery skits from different tables in the audience which were very cute. They even secretly judged the talents.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Talent

Today I created a wonderful Fresh Raspberry English Trifle for my talent for our Ward Talent night. If you didn't have a Talent to share, you could bring a dessert.It disappeared very fast.It had layers of yummy stuff. Bottom layer was Angel food cake pieces then sweetened frozen raspberries. Then a layer of coconut macaroon cookies crushed, followed by my Mom's homemade custard,recipe as follows:2 1/2 cups milk ,heat till scalded very hot, but not boiling. Mix 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup flour together.Pour slowly into hot milk, stirring constantly, to prevent lumps.Beat 1 egg and add some milk mixture to the beaten egg. Then add the egg mixtures to the rest of the milk.Mix well, cook in microwave 5 minutes until thick.Add 1 tsp. vanilla flavoring .Then add a layer of cool whip or whip cream.Garnished with whole fresh raspberries and chocolate curls. Delicious. Aye!

A night out at Gecko Grill

The last night our family went to dine at the Gecko Grill I enjoyed a wonderful baked salmon taco.The appetizer was mango queasadilla with lots of creamy cheese. It melted in your mouth. It was an adult night out.Then I said goodbye to our kids returning to the cold Canadian North.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The 21st. Annual Arizona Renaissance Festival

I met our family from Canada and the Brooks family and we went for breakfast at Krispy Kreams for yummy doughnuts.Then we went to spend the day at the Festival .It was a gorgeous day about 70 and clear blue skies.There were lot of people there too. It was Presidents Day holiday and the kids were out of school.We enjoyed several concerts. We loved the Pirate one. They sang nursery rhymes for the kids and added to the end of the song ,the words, the window,the window, throw it out the window, repeated three times. So it was very funny. We had a lot of fun doing that.Then the boys big and little tried the climb Jacob's ladder.A rope ladder which was very difficult to climb.No one was successful in accomplishing this feat. Dawson ,Danae, and Austin tried bungee jumping.We saw many people dressed victorian style.We thought we were in jolly ole England. Some of the costumes I will post photos. Austin tried his hand at the big hammer to make the gong ring.He got the plague flea one.The top one was the Kyng, the second one was the stable boy.We had our picnic lunch of large smoked turkey legs and fried onion rings.The fairies were very pretty with the kids.The main event was the Jousting between the Sir Knight Joseph which was the one we cheered for and the Pirate dressed in red.While charging on there horses in a big arena, they performed sword fighting and javelin contests.It was very exciting, We were the cheering section for Sir Knight Joseph. After we enjoyed Dexter the fire walker.As you will see he walked the tight rope of fire.He was great too.They had all new shows this year.The Merimaids sang and danced Irish Songs. We watched The Birds of Prey which all the boys liked. We saw this twice.After enjoying frozen chocolate bananas,and candy apples.We watched Dawson help a Black Bird Magician start a fire. Dawson had a tee shirt which said {It was'nt me!} on it.It was along day we left about 7 p.m.It was getting dark.We were all tired. What a day to remember.Double click on photos to enlarge for the full effect.