Sewing Lessons

This summer I gave me grandchildren sewing machines. I taught them to sew a tote bag, their shorts,and a teddy bear. We spent all day sewing. It was a crash course for Mckenzie, Devin,their cousins, Brooklyn,and Jared.I think they enjoyed the experience. Hope they will pursue further creative projects.

Thankgiving in Arizona

We spent the day at our Grandson Brandon Wendelschafer's home.We had delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings.I brought my usual sweet potatoes, peas. Kristyn made pumpkin and pecan pies. Eric and Brooklyn and family came over too. We had a great time. Took a lot of photos of the great grand kids. Stopped at Brian and Sarinah's home on the way to give the little dogs some love and hugs.they were lone some.It was a rainy day but we needed the rain. It hadn't rained since August. I am thankful for my family, my eternal loving husband Ron,our nice little home,my health, and my retirement.I am gratful I can still serve at the Mesa Humanitarian Center, and in the Mesa Temple.I am thankful I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,and have the gospel in my life. It makes life so much easier.We both helped Tina move into a new home on Love Bird Gilbert.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Ron says he is also thankful for his three lovely daughters, Tina, Karen, and Rhonda Lowe and his wife and eternal companion Beverley.My only brother Tom and sister in law Sharon. My half sister Lynda and her husband Jim.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My First Photo Shot

I was about a year old before I had a real portrait done, This is me . I was born in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, to wonderful loving parents, who taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Turkey for Thankgiving

We had a turkey and chicken farm in Orton, Alberta, Canada. Dad would order 300 baby chicks and 300 baby turkeys each spring. He would put them in shallow boxes on the kitchen floor. They were very soft to touch, when they were a few weeks old they started to get their feathers. Then they would jump out of the box. It was time to move them to the chicken coop outdoors. They grew up and the chickens gave all the eggs we needed. My brothers took turns cleaning the chicken coop. My chore was gathering the eggs every day. I didn't like to do it cause the chickens would fly at you and peck at you if you tried to get their eggs from underneath them. When we wanted fried chicken for dinner, Dad would kill two of them to feed our family. My three brothers and Dad wanted the chicken legs to eat so we needed two chickens. So I learned to eat the chicken wings. No legs for me left. My Mother and I hauled the water from our well to heat the water, on our coal kitchen stove, to scald the chicken or turkey to enable us to remove the feathers. Then I learned to pull the feathers off and clean them. Mom told Julie "you have 3 minutes to get the feathers off . "We were very busy in October getting turkeys ready to sell for other people Thanksgivings. We always enjoyed our free range turkey for the holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas. During the 60's Dad increased his Turkey flock to 1000. They are being trucked to market here. Dad is hold one of them .They were mean birds. The Gobbler's would chase you when you outside. The hens were pretty dumb, they had smaller brains, so they were docile. One Christmas my two younger brothers received bows and arrows for christmas. What did they see when they walked outside for target practice? Turkeys wandering all over our yard. Jay took aim and an arrow went right through a turkey head. It fell dead instantly.What to do now? There was mud puddle near by, he stomped on the dead turkey and thought Dad would not see it. The turkey kept sticking its wings up out of the mud hole. He never told Dad until his 80 birthday what had happened that day. Dad had always wondered what killed that turkey.

Kaylee's Quilt

This is Kaylee's "Round the World Quilt" made especially for her bedroom. Colors of pale pink & green.I think she really loved it too. It will definitely keep her warm during the cold Canadian winters.

Craig & Ollie

Craig and his dog " Ollie" a young black lab. perfect to train for his pheasant and duck hunting trips.He sent him to obedience school to help train him.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Finished my Quilt

I really love it, I think it looks great for an old lady. It has all my colors I like, and sewing designs too. Thanks to my teacher, Delores Ray an excellent quilter.

My Round The World Quilt

I learned to quilt ,this winter , not just sew squares together but actually design a quilt into a "Round the World Quilt"I was so excited I made me one for my king size bed. I love bright colors, they are happy colors.This the quilt in progress.

Retiring from life

Lazer Specialists gave Ron a big Retirement Party at the Van Horn Residence.The family were all there to enjoy the day with him. Lots of barbequed steaks and chicken, Gifts, Balloons,a clown, A Jumping thing for the all the kids.Playground and lots of cake Retirement cake and birthday cake for all who had birthdays in May. A great party for all.

Craig and me

Craig and me .Taken in Canada in August 2008

Thelin Sisters

Frank & Julie Marchant,Bev & Ronald Lowe, all dressed up for church on Sunday at Stanwood, Washington

Christmas 1994 in Arizona

Rob & Deanne Gough outfitted in their Christmas dress. Mesa Arizona. December 1994 . Cody 7 years, Deah 8 years, Kaylee 2yrs.

A Patriarch in the Family

Rex and Ella Helton my Uncle who lives in Wenatchee .He is a patriarch for their Stake. He is our Helton family geneologist. You can double click on the photos on any of these blogs. To enlarge them. Try it works.

This my wedding dress, made of 15 yards of brocade taffeta. It cost $30.00 for the fabric. I spent two weeks babysitting my brothers and sister when my Dad remarried. That is when I made my wedding dress. It took two weeks to finish it. I used a singer treadle sewing machine. It was a lot of work for me. Then I was married two weeks after!

Ready to meet the Tall Dark Handsome someone?

This is how I looked, young , beautiful 45 yrs old when I meet my true love in Oregon.

My Christmas Photo

I think this was taken in 1980 at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada . All the children had their school pictures taken. So I thought I would get mine taken at Sears so I could have a photo of Just ME. had never had a nice photo of myself. So I just went out and did it.

Baby Beverly

I was age two here, just a unknown friend with her. One day when mother could not find her, She had looked everywhere,she finally found Beverly asleep on the floor of the out-house.

Danae"s Quilt

I learned a new skill this year,Quilting. I took classes at Relief Society. I learned how to make "Around the World Quilts," This is Danae's quilt for her bedroom that I quilted. It matches her hot pink, orange and lime green and black stripped room. I think she loved it. It will keep her warm on those cold Canadian winter nights.

Thelins & Derricotts & Dickies 1938

Lillie Dericott holding baby Faye, Grandma Hildegarde Thelin holding me as a baby, Myra, Reuben Thelin, Gloria Dickie,boy? Arvin Redford, 2nd row.John Dericott, Earl Dericott, Joy Dickie, Marylou Dickie, Betty Dickie, Elaine{Kaye}Dericott, Linda Dickie, Elmer Dericott.

Derricott Family Reunion 2006

Me, Bev Lowe,Faye Shaw,Reva Cole, Larry Cole, Kaye Seely,Vern Seely, Grandson, Wendy Shaw. Ron and I were invited to this Family Reunion when we were in Canada 2006. It was held in Stirling, Alberta at Vern Seeley's mobile home. It was great to see all the cousins again.We looked at old photo albums, visited, took photos, had a wonderful pot luck meal. Double click on photo to enlarge.

Ducks on the lake

I am enjoying the walk around the Twin Lakes, Washington. Julie and I went on a picnic by this cute little lake very close to her home. We enjoyed the autumn leaves turning colors, especially the red maple trees. We saw lots of ducks on the lake as we walked around two lakes. A nice day we even fed the ducks.

Making Chocolates 2007

It was thanksgiving day and Sarinah and I decided to make hundreds of home made chocolates and cookies. We spent all day making candy, dipping chocolates, and making several kinds of cookies.We finished 25 cookie plates for me. Then to our surprise, Sarinah's friend brought over a wonderful thanksgiving dinner for the two of us. It was 8p.m. when we finished. Ron said when I arrived home that it was the first thanksgiving he didn't have turkey to eat. I told him I would cook a turkey dinner for him the next day and he was happy, happy.

Just be sisters

Julie and I back in 1968 when she stayed with me in Medicine Hat, Alberta,Canada She was freshman at B.Y.U. Utah. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Going Fishin

Brooks boys watching the fish at Val Vista Lakes Gilbert, Az. No fishing rods today just watch those fish jump!!!!!

Cute Boys

all dressed up for pictures. Cute boys

Brooks Family 2007

This the Brooks family photo.Christmas 2007 Brian & Sarinah Austin, Dawson, Carson Darling boys.

Graduation Time

Craig Thelin Gough Graduated from High School in Beaverton, Oregon, 1987. Later went on and Graduated from Culinary School in Wetaswin, Alberta, Canada

Brooks Wedding Day

Sarinah and Brian Brooks wedding day was September 15, 1994 at the Mesa Arizona Temple .She was a beautiful bride.The Goughs came from Canada. Deanne and Rob helped decorate the hall for the reception that night.Julie my sister was here to help too. The decorations were real christmas trees with white lights. Lots of white picket fence and pillers and draped burgany fabric aaround the hall. It was truly sparkling. After they had a dance for everyone. A big day for all.

Gilbert Az Lake

Betty and Julie at Gilbert Town Lake at the Library . We strolled around the lake took pictures enjoyed the wild life. A fun day.They were impressed with our wonderful Gilbert Library.

Temple Photo

Julie & Bev at the Mesa Az Temple 2007

Chinese Food

Julie Marchant,Betty Thelin and Bobbie Rieter went out for Chinese food at a great little spot in Gilbert , Az. Aren't they adorable all dressed up.They had so much fun together that night.