Monday, January 26, 2009

Our New Job

We are officially Temple Workers at the Mesa Arizona Temple. We are enjoying the serene atmosphere there, but it is challenging for both of us. We work everywhere. we must learn it all to be able to work in the new Gilbert Arizona Temple to be built in the near future. We work at 530 a.m. to noon, Friday and Saturdays.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


We travelled to Canada this summer,and stopped at the small town of Vulcan, Alberta.It was very interesting to see the Enterprize Restaurent, and The Star Trek Spaceship with a couple of Aliens peeking out of the window. See if you can find Ron & I among the Trekkies.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Juicing it up

Today was another citrus pickin day, Took my camera and caught Ron up in the orange tree.We picked Arizona Sweet oranges, they are wonderful for juicin. The grandkids came over and they had a great time juicin. We have enough to share with all our family now. Wish you were closer, to share with.That is the end of the citrus for this year.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Its Citrus Season

Today we picked 200lbs.of oranges and grapefruit. Our friends have a big home orchard, They have about 50 trees. Ron climbed the ladders to pick the oranges.We were grateful for the bounty, we harvested. The rest are going to the food banks.When we arrived home. I got out my citrus juicer, which I only use this time of year. Juiced several quarts of fresh orange juice. It is so delicious. I forgot to take my camera when we were picking. So here are pictures of our days work. It was a beautiful day 74 degrees.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Some other grandkids

This is Kaylee Gough turned 16 now, loves to hang out with her friends and has a boy friend. She loved to soak in the outdoor hot tub, with her cousins and friends around midnight, when it was -10 below, and snow all around. She is the computer whiz in her family.She made her sister Deah's Wedding Invitations on the computer, Also she created the slideshow for the Wedding Reception. This was wonderful.DaNae is her younger sister. who has beautiful red hair form the Gough side of the family. She loves to snowboard and to ski in British Columbia,Canada. She also loves spending the night at her cousins.And love do crafts of all kinds.

Our cute grandkids

This is Mackenzie Gough 11 yrs old, who loves to ski, speaks two languages, English and French.Learned to sew her shorts this summer. Devin who is 9 yrs is the younger sister. She also speaks two languages English and French. She loves the snow too tobagganing and skiing and her dog. She plays the piano,sings,and dances. She played soccer last year and lovd it. She also learned to sew this summer.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Sanpitch Dragon

The Sanpitch Dragon can be found in the town of Gunnison ,Utah. Hiding below the underpass. When the cars go over the overpass the dragon roars very loudly. He lies beside a bicycle and jogging pass, so beware when you ride your bike there. He was born May 2007, for the protector of this little town. Below are my cousins Josie and Marylynne Thelin. Ron and I are there too. It was very interesting to see and hear him rooooooooooar. He was made from broken ceramic glass pieces, into a beautiful dragon about 100 feet long.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wedding Of The Year 2008

It was all worth it to travel the long distance we did. A beautiful Alberta Temple Ceremony. They looked radiant, It was very cold and windy day -10 below. After all the photos were taken. Dave's parents flew in from Saudi Arabia ,they are in the green outfits.We enjoyed the family dinner and program. Deanne performed the Rapper number, a song about Dave and Deah. She wore long black dread locks and blue jeans.Then The Operaic Cat number, where Dave's two Aunts sang "Meow", that was all the words, for ten minutes in different operaic tones.It was hilarious.It was depicting a cat fight between the bride and groom.Then Dave's ,Uncle John, a Master Violist for the Edmonton Synphony played two wonderful numbers on his Volin. After Dave and Deah cut the gorgeous four tier Wedding cake covered with white fondant, with hand blown sugar red lace flowers,which matched the table decor.After we had a fun time dancing. The two words mostly heard at all Weddings are "Chicken Dance" We all enjoyed dancing,till late in the evening. The Bride and Groom will be Honeymooning at Cancun, Mexico for a week.Then they will have another reception in Edmonton,Alberta when they return.